Heal Your Gut With 4-Week Gut Protocol by Autumn Calabrese

by | Dec 23, 2022 | Wellness

When 4-Week Gut Protocol came out I thought, “I already eat pretty clean and I watch my macros” so of course I’ll try this, but I wasn’t necessarily thinking it would make much of a difference. 

But here’s the thing, every time I actually dial in to a nutrition plan I realize something I was ignoring about how I eat and how it’s affecting my mood, weight, energy, and so on. That was definitely the case with 4-Week Gut Protocol

I had never considered myself to be someone with food sensitivities. That’s probably because “food sensitivities” meant something formal to me like abdominal pain or Dr. Diagnosis.

I quickly realized after starting the program how my skin looked, how I felt when I woke up, and how inflamed my face and stomach looked day-to-day had actually been indicating there were foods bothering my system. Foods like gluten, sugar, and too much red meat. It was a physical representation of not liking something I was eating.

My husband and I started Gut Protocol on a Monday and did a bit of prep the day before. With this program you need to figure out what’s on your food lists and you need to break down your macros a bit further than with the traditional Portion Fix program.

Proteins and Carbs have to be broken down further than just protein and carbs. Half your protein needs to be plant-based for instance.

You take a probiotic and digestive enzyme that helps you break down your food and absorb more of the nutrients. I am super sensitive to vitamins, probiotics, and pills in general so I was pleasantly surprised to find I had zero nausea with these supplements. 

You drink Vegan Shakeology, take your probiotic and enzymes, and follow the meal plan. After a week I could tell I was less inflamed and starting to see my stomach look leaner. Just cutting sugar out will do all that, but I also felt proud of what I was eating and how I was taking care of myself. My skin is clearer when I follow this plan and I am always more mentally focused when I cut processed foods from my diet. 

Adding the specific workout program was awesome. It’s called 4 Weeks for Everybody and it’s no impact. YES! No impact. No jumping and torturing yourself. The workouts are 30 minutes and they fly by. Plus, there are cycle workouts with amazing music and the best motivation – but you always get that with Autumn. 

This program is perfect for someone who would like to reset their gut and start on a no impact, enjoyable fitness program. Do it for 30 days and you’ll be floored by your results. If you follow the meal plans you should see pounds lost from both fat loss, but also overall inflammation! You’ll gain strength, while getting your food in check.

If you’ve been struggling with bloating, gas, inflammation, fatigue, brain fog, or just don’t know where to start on cleaning up your diet try 4-Week Gut Protocol and 4 Weeks for Everybody.  Let me share the specifics of the program here! 

What is The 4 Week Gut Protocol + 4 Weeks for Everybody?

You can check out a little about the 4-Week Gut Protocol program. The image below goes over all the details and I will cover them below!


4-Week Gut Protocol and 4 Weeks for Everybody are TWO brand new programs launching together! This information is here to teach you about the programs, why there are two programs included in this launch, and what you can expect!

Did you know that 70% of Americans have undiagnosed food sensitivities? Even if you haven’t noticed your symptoms, everybody can use some extra gut love. Second to the brain, our gut has control over so much of our bodies, both physically and emotionally. Sure, I want to have a healthy gut – but, HOW?

The 4-Week Gut Protocol is a unique, comprehensive nutrition program designed to help promote overall gut health, as well as isolate the most common foods and ingredients that can cause gastric distress and undermine your health and well-being. Taking a month to super focus on my nutrition and track how my body changes with my food changes sounds like the perfect way to kickstart my spring!

But, what about the workouts? That’s where 4 Weeks for Everybody comes in! Yes, you could totally choose to focus on meal prep, clean eating, and gut health for 4 weeks – amazing! But exercise is recommended when you take on 4-Week Gut Protocol, it shouldn’t be so rigorous that it interferes with your body’s work in helping your gut.

You’ll need a pair of dumbbells, and a core ball is recommended. For the optional cycling workouts, you’ll need a stationary bike.

Who is Autumn Calabrese?

Autumn Calabrese is the creator of 4 Weeks for Everybody, 9 Week Control Freak, 21 Day Fix, and other fitness programs, as well as nutrition programs 4-Week Gut Protocol and the breakthrough weight-loss system Portion Fix.

A bestselling author of Lose Weight Like Crazy Even if You Have A Crazy Life and host of the FIXATE cooking show, she’s an IIN-certified holistic health coach and has held certifications from NASM and AFPA.

Autumn is also no stranger to tummy troubles. She’s struggled with the issue over the years — but after much trial and error and working closely with her doctor, she’s finally learned how to uncover her “food sensitivities.” And now you can, too.

Combining her firsthand experience and expertise, Autumn found a way to tackle her physically and emotionally challenging gastrointestinal issues, while tying in a workout schedule that’s easy to follow and easy on the joints.

When Can I Start?This program is available for early access to Coaches and Preferred Customers, so come join us with your Preferred Customer membership and see great results! 
What Equipment is Required?You’ll need a pair of dumbbells, and a core ball is recommended. For the optional cycling workouts, you’ll need a stationary bike.
What is the nutrition plan like? 4-Week Gut Protocol includes 4 getting started videos and a new focus video added each week, for a total of 8 guided nutrition lessons with Autumn Calabrese! The program also includes grocery lists, recipe ideas, meal plans, snack guides, and a reintroduction video to carry you after the 30 days of the program and beyond!
What support will I have?I cannot wait to start this test group with you! This program is about helping to heal your gut so that you can improve your overall health and I’ll be with you every step of the way. My groups are on our own app, so you don’t get distracted by social media – plus you can track your workouts and progress right in the app!

Everyday, we will check-in with each other. We share motivation, recipes, tips, and more. It is a great place to ask questions, brainstorm + get ideas, and just enjoy the community and connection with like-minded people!

Check out my current packages!

For Existing BOD Members:

I definitely recommend Autumn’s Choice Total Solutions Pack. Revitalize is a blend of pro & prebiotics, which help support beneficial flora in the digestive tract, while Optimize is a proprietary blend of enzymes, with added camu-camu, to help support nutrient absorption and bioavailability. Basically, 2 supplements can be super helpful in healing your gut!

My favorite add ons:

Energize is approved in the program – and will help you get through any slump – or pump you up for your workout!

Ready to heal your gut? Fill out the order form below and I will reach out with details of how to get started!

My life goals are to live simply, enjoy all the things life can offer, and happily raise my sweet littles. I like to keep it simple, from recipes, routines to fitness and style. I am here to help you live simply beautiful.

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