Join my Beachbody “Four Weeks To Fit” Challenge!

by | Feb 12, 2022 | Wellness

It feels like February just started but Spring Break is right around the corner. It’s almost time to shed the sweaters, visit someplace warm, and put on those swimsuits and I am so excited to host this group and help you reach your health and fitness goals! Before I found my at-home workouts and super simple clean nutrition…

I dreaded Spring Break every year. I was never ready and always felt stressed about the trip. What a bummer! Now I have the tools to get into shape and feel great and it’s the best when I do it with a group of strong women who are here to support each other! Life is busy but we are no longer the first thing skipped on the to do list! We are here to rally each other and say feel GREAT! 

I am a working mom of 3 and I love being involved with my kids activities at school. Doing all of the things makes us feel stretched thin and guilty for taking a few minutes for ourselves. Our group is a reminder that it’s OK and downright critical that you find at least 20 minutes just for you each day. NO GUILT. Being surrounded by other busy mamas who love their kids helps me remember that taking a few minutes for me makes me a better mom, a better employee, a better wife, and a better friend. It reduces my anxiety and clears my head. I feel confident when I go into my closet to grab something to wear instead of beat down. 

I am leading my family by example. When I make good choices, my husband gets on board too and the kids are more likely to get moving and be more open to veggies over sugar for every snack. 

But transformation is not just about fitness. Finding your confidence, self love, motivation, and spark …. well it’s an inside job. That’s why we focus on body AND MIND! It’s all about mindset in our group while transforming your daily fitness and nutrition habits! 

Want to hear a few things my customers are saying about our groups?!

“Hey! Started day 1 of Nine Week Control Freak today with the track. Got hte track figured out in our home gym. Absolutely obsessed!!! Can’t wait to dive into these results for the next 9 weeks!”

“I loved Job 1. I was able to be consistent because it’s only 20 mins! It was so helpful when I subbed because I couldn’t get to a class and didn’t make an excuse! That and my nutrition – I lost 10 lbs!”

There’s still time to join February so here are the details: 

  • I am your assigned Beachbody coach 
  • You are committed to completed a Beachbody program during the challenge
  • You are committed to drinking Shakeology dailly which will help you curb cravings and mentally connect to the challenge (you are welcome to add other supplements like my all time favorite clean energy source: Energize!)

That’s it! Do this and you will see results in as little as 30 days. 

If you’re interested in joining the group, fill out my application below and I’ll get back to you asap so you can still kick a little February butt!

My life goals are to live simply, enjoy all the things life can offer, and happily raise my sweet littles. I like to keep it simple, from recipes, routines to fitness and style. I am here to help you live simply beautiful.

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