Get Fit and Have Fun: Join My BODi Partnership Today!

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Life

As a Beachbody Coach, there are so many opportunities for you to partner with BODi to help you and your family get the health results you are looking for. I’m excited to share some new partnership opportunities with you!

But first, how are you using BODi? As a place to get workouts or maybe recipes? Or perhaps you’ve already started to dive into the new mindset portal? Ultimately, our health and success are an inside job, and we must first get our minds right.

This is exactly what I learned when I decided 2 years ago that I needed to get serious about my health. After so many starts and stops, I realized that I would be more successful if I fully partnered with BODi for more accountability. At the time, that meant coaching. Coaching is essentially committing to your own journey of eating cleaner, following a workout program, using supplements to fill gaps in my nutrition, and sharing!

I had never done anything but post some family pictures on social but I took a leap of faith and I committed to my own journey and sharing on social. I saw success towards the changes I wanted to see for myself; I became a better mom and associate, but I also saw the immediate power of sharing and impact we can have on others lives. It was truly unexpected and amazing.

Now, let’s talk about the new opportunities available to you. Here’s a quick rundown:

Affiliate Partner

You now have the option to become an affiliate! This is a super low-key way to partner, and it’s super simple. You have a $15.95 monthly fee, and you will get 25% off of your own purchases, as well as an affiliate link to share the products with your friends, family, and acquaintances. When they buy from your link, you earn 25-40% commission depending on what they purchase! That’s it, no joke.

Business Partner

I am what we call a business partner. It’s exactly what you see above, but I’m sharing daily and building a customer base and team of Partners. I am committed to getting my customers results through our products and Challenge Groups. To be an affiliate or business partner, you sign up the same way, you just make different daily choices in how and what you share. A business partner has the potential to earn meaningful income, which I can share in our private group!


I am also a Challenger! Because listen, it all starts with your own commitment. You can’t be a strong business partner if you’re not walking the walk, so this is always my first goal for anyone. Be a Challenger first. This means you are truly utilizing the insanely valuable asset you have purchased with BODi.

You’re joining our accountability groups, sticking to a workout program calendar, and learning about our nutrition plans. You are trying a supplement and giving it 20-30 days to see how you feel when you fully implement it. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be committed to trying and doing better each day.

These are the ways to partner with us! Does it make sense? Do you have any questions or want to learn more? Join my private Facebook group where I’ll be posting info, and ways to engage. I will go live on April 27 at 8 pm EST to tell you more about my story and how you can partner with BODi and ME!

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

My life goals are to live simply, enjoy all the things life can offer, and happily raise my sweet littles. I like to keep it simple, from recipes, routines to fitness and style. I am here to help you live simply beautiful.

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