Join Our June 21-Day Challenge for a Transformative Experience!

by | Jun 3, 2023 | Wellness

Eek!!! I’m so excited to start our 21-day “kind of hard” challenge. I’ve decided the month of June is going to be my month to take a step towards 75-day hard and do my own lighter version. The summer is a really tough time to go for 2 and a half months with no cheat meals, no drinks, tons of working out, etc. So we’re going to work on our mental toughness without making ourselves crazy and I think 21 days feels like the perfect amount of time. 

Over the course of 21 days, we’ll focus on activities that will push you toward your goals and establish positive habits. Here’s what we’ll be doing each day::

  • Complete a 20-30 min workout 
  • Complete a 30 min outdoor workout 
  • Get at least 7k steps
  • Read or listen to at least 10 min of personal development 
  • Drink 60+ oz of water 
  • Follow a nutrition plan 
  • Check-in 

This is totally doable for 21 days. I’m not even necessarily going to take out alcohol however I am thinking about it. Alcohol is such a weird thing. I am convinced I want a glass of wine, but I feel so good overall when I don’t drink. It seems like it’s just another one of those life conundrums.

Routines, HABITS, and why they matter…

Routines are just a set of activities until you do them long enough that they become a part of your life – they become your habits. Around half our daily actions are driven by repetition so if you’re wondering why you can’t stop late-night snacking, it’s because it’s just become part of your habits. It’s time to start a new routine and turn it into a habit. 

When we realize this, we can start to understand that if you have a habit of drinking every night and you don’t think that’s something that is supporting your goals, you can change it. It will take time and repetition (not drinking every night), but you can change it. 

Now you don’t have to say, I’m not a morning person. You can just become a morning person by working on building a new habit. 

That’s what our 21 days of these activities will do. It will help you build new habits. You probably won’t keep all of them but it will show you what you can accomplish in a day. 

No more excuses. 

I will be following a “plate it” method of nutrition and I’m so excited! I started this week and it’s just fun to do something new. It’s stretching my thinking and making me realize the different ways I quietly use food to fill time and space. When you move to 3 square meals a day + a snack you become much more aware of the quiet grazing that was happening and you can work on figuring out how to change it. 

I’m also going to be starting 9 week control freak – one of my favorite workout programs using a wall track that does amazing things for your back and core – yay for working on a bathing suit body. 

If you need help and encouragement to change your habits and set your self up for some real success – both mental and physical, come JOIN OUR June 21-day “kind of hard” challenge and see change for yourself. It’s your turn and you have what it takes! All you need is an annual membership to our platform and right now we’re running the best deal.  Check out our Essentials Collection Completion Pack!

I can’t wait to see what we can do in 21 days!

My life goals are to live simply, enjoy all the things life can offer, and happily raise my sweet littles. I like to keep it simple, from recipes, routines to fitness and style. I am here to help you live simply beautiful.

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